Tag Archives: seasons

Artist of the Month

Name: Anna Timmerman

Three Adjectives that describe who you are as an artist:
Eclectic, needy, and organic.

Describe your practice:
I work in the studio three days a week and try to complete paintings in one sitting. I work better in the early morning around 7am. I usually make 3-5 attempts at something before getting it right.

What are your inspirations?
I enjoy looking at old art, super new art, picking stuff up on walks, old books and illustrations, mad science (as in like Tesla mad), animals, outsider art, stolen images that I archive daily, and anything out of the ordinary

Where do you see your work going?
Lately my work has become less about landscape and a sense of place and more about spatial distortion and surface quality. They are still of places, but less and less places that you would want to go. They definitely belong to the same “world”, but maybe the side of the world that never sees any sun and has no life. The rocks are alive usually. Pattern and form is beginning to play more of a role.

What are your dreams and aspirations?
Eventually I’d like to be able to make art seven days a week. Right now I’m working part time, doing school full time and running a gallery space, which is becoming more like a job. It would be great to eventually do that for “work work”.

Aside from creating art, what are your hobbies and interests?
I enjoy urban chicken keeping, kayaking, dressage horseback riding, reading about outer space, home brewing wine, and going to like five openings a week. I look at a lot of art.

What is your favorite website?
Craigslist, it’s awesome for funny photo mining and free stuff. For instance, what’s better than a $1000 baby zebra? Two free donkeys. Craigslist is great. I also do ffffound.com, contemporaryartdaily.com, and Chicago Artists Resource a few times a day.

If you could invite five people to a dinner party alive or dead, who would they be?
Groucho Marx, Seabiscuit, Cassidy Stock, Carl Sagan, and Dr. Doolittle (to act as translator).

Thank you to Anna for being our first Artist of the Month!

To see more of Anna’s work visit:



If you would like to be artist of the month for November 2010 please contact us at urbnbloom@yahoo.com


At the Back of the North Wind: Speculations on the “Windy City”

We will be following up with articles and theories throughout the month but please feel free to come to your own conclusions and ways of conceptualizing the piece. Work in any medium you prefer. If it is a video or story, we will make it work. If you have any questions feel free to email us at urbnbloom@yahoo.com. 

We will be sending out guidelines on how to send in the work later this week but for now, just work out a concept- it can be a piece that you have already created or something you plan to make.

And as always, pass it on. The more people we get involved the better.

Thanks guys!